. Moreover, the Company formulated a master plan to prepare for the “New Normal” lifestyle that covers in 5 main dimensions, with more than 75 detailed measures to be implemented: 1) Extra Screening 2) Social
ไตรมาส 2 ปี 2561 จ านวน 1.79 ลา้นบาท เน่ืองจากของเสยีจากการผลติยงัสงูกว่า มาตรฐาน และปรมิาณสนิคา้ Flexible Packaging ยงัไม่เตม็ก าลงัการผลติ ท าใหย้งัไม่ครอบคลมุตน้ทุนคงที ่ 3. ค่าใช้จ่ายในการขาย ไตรมาส 2
Babi Mild core range, Babi Mild Bioganik, emphasizing mildness, natural and certified organic essence quality. With our flexible manufacturing capability, this enables us to capture opportunity in the
government. In terms of sales channel management, during normal times prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, branches in shopping malls are considered as the main sales channel of the Group, accounting for
Food Service Co., Ltd. and during the period Thai Flexible Pack Co., Ltd. “the Subsidiary” has clarification of the progress of evaluation of purchase price allocation (PPA) of acquisition of The Brio
to Baht 298.86 million which increase Baht 51.73 million or 17.31%, due to the company had recognized income from sale on flexible packaging Baht 41.80 million and the sale on plastic sack increased
efficiently supervise and examine the operation of such branch office in order to facilitate business undertaking and management of the organization of securities company to be more flexible and capable of
the first half of 2019 amounts to Baht 578.9 Million, Increased by 12.4 Million Baht or 2.2% compared to the previous year. Revenues from Sale of Goods and Rendering of Services Flexible Packaging Unit
business. It needs to be more flexible in order to create opportunities and quickly adapt itself to compete in technology field. Moreover, it would like to build an image of being a general technology start
business. It needs to be more flexible in order to create opportunities and quickly adapt itself to compete in technology field. Moreover, it would like to build an image of being a general technology start