า 3. บริษัทฯ ไดรับ “รางวัลสุดยอดแบรนดทองเท่ียวประจําป 2560” โดย สมารท แทรเวล เอเชีย ไดแก รางวัลท็อปเท็นสาย การบินท่ีดีท่ีสุดในโลก (Top Ten Airline Overall - Worldwide), รางวัลท็อปไฟวสายการบิ
- Worldwide), รางวัลท็อปไฟว์สายการบินที่มีการบริการบนเครื่อง ที่ดีที่สุดในโลก (Top Five Best in Cabin Service - Worldwide) และรางวัลท็อปเท็นสนามบินที่ดีที่สุดในโลก (สนามบินสมุย) (Top Ten Airport Worldwide) โดย
worldwide. 3.6 Deposit, Withdrawal and Loan Payment Through 7 – Eleven at all Branches is a service under the concept “LH Bank with the good interest rate and convenienct deposit, withdrawal and payment at 7
worldwide. 3.6 Deposit, Withdrawal and Loan Payment Through 7 – Eleven at all Branches is a service under the concept “LH Bank with the good interest rate and convenienct deposit, withdrawal and payment at 7
of HRC price: the average selling price of HRC in year 2018 was THB 20,663/ton, increased by 11% as compared with last year (THB 18,690/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide trend. - HRC cash
2017 - Increasing of HRC price: the average selling price of HRC in year 2018 was THB 20,663/ton, increased by 11% as compared with last year (THB 18,690/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide
caused more geographic diversification in revenue and increase Carabao’s brand awareness worldwide under the vision of “World Class Product, World Class Brand”. Apart from overseas sales under the
aggressive marketing strategy caused more geographic diversification in revenue and increase Carabao’s brand awareness worldwide under the vision of “World Class Product, World Class Brand”. Apart from
of HRC in 2nd Quarter of 2018 was THB 20,702/ton, increased by 19% as compared with last year quarter (THB 17,403/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide trend. - HRC cash margin (excluding
aggressive marketing strategy caused more geographic diversification in revenue and increase Carabao’s brand awareness worldwide under the vision of “World Class Product, World Class Brand”. Apart from