dated 3 August 2009 which have been in effect prior to the effective date of this Notification shall remain in full force to the extent that they are neither inconsistent with nor contrary to the
been in effect prior to the effective date of this Notification shall remain in full force to the extent that they are neither inconsistent with nor contrary to the provisions of this Notification until
the consideration is listed securities, compare the market value of securities or NTA. Whichever is higher will be used for the calculation 3) In case of investment disposal to the extent that a
declined but in a lesser extent, mainly due to consumers stocked up in March. However, OSP promptly responded to health and hygiene trend with hand sanitizer products via OEM operation and own product
the impact on private consumption is expected to be eased to some extent by various relief measures being rolled out by the government. The Group has committed to support and operate in accordance with
stated. Clause 24 mutual funds and trusts may prepare and submit the annual report to the SEC Office and unitholders in the form of printed document or a compact disc. To the extent that it is possible
, and the facts of the case reasonably show that the act leading to the lack of qualifications or the possession of prohibited characteristics of such person is not so severe to the extent of preventing
effective date of this Notification shall remain in full force to the extent that they are not inconsistent with nor contrary to the provisions of this Notification until orders and circulars issued under or
this Notification shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that they are neither inconsistent with nor contrary to the provisions of this Notification until the orders and circular letters
analyze and report our segments. To this extent, we have completed a comprehensive assessment of our portfolio, identified areas of synergies and natural alignment, and recalibrated our future capital