://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8759 SEC instructs NUSA to clarify its asset disposition plan and revocation of share swap contract with WEH shareholders execution right of KPN Energy (Thailand) Co
://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8759 SEC instructs NUSA to clarify its asset disposition plan and revocation of share swap contract with WEH shareholders execution right of KPN Energy (Thailand) Co
จัดสรรการลงทุนดังกล่าว (portfolio advisory with execution) รวมทั้งมีการติดตามและปรับปรุงการลงทุน (monitoring & rebalancing) ให้สอดคล้องกับแผนจัดสรรการลงทุนของลูกค้า
ทรัพย4ดิจิทัลกับ ศูนย4ซ้ือขายตลาดตางประเทศตามคำสั่งของลูกคา เพ่ือใหลูกคาไดรับเง่ือนไขท่ีดีที่สุดตามสภาพตลาด (Duty of best execution) กำหนดวงเงินจัดสรรเป#นรอยละ 75 ของวงเงินจัดสรรท้ังหมด 2.5 ผูจัดการเงินทุนสิน
execution right of KPN Energy (Thailand) Co., Ltd through the SET Electronic Listed Company Information Disclosure System. This obligation prompted NUSA to protect the rights of its shareholders by filing a
misconduct above is deemed an execution of concealed transactions, asset misappropriation, permission of false accounting transactions and preparation of incorrect accounting records. In addition, he informed
significantly high amount of deposit before execution of transactions. SEC therefore urges W’s shareholders to study information on this matter carefully and exercise the voting right to protect their own
significantly high amount of deposit before execution of transactions. SEC therefore urges W’s shareholders to study details of this matter very carefully and thoroughly before considering subscription for the
period2 8,616.2 7,776.0 9,000.1 4,969.4 5,166.3 Cash collected from the Legal Execution Department during the period3 692.9 1,383.4 1,791.1 1,373.0 6,748.1 Total cash collected from NPL 9,309.1 9,159.4
ended June 30, 2017. Such transaction volume is lower than 15 percent of the total asset value and is considered the execution of connected transaction, with the total transaction value of Baht 21,120,000