that in such situations, the calculation and evaluation of a KPI against an SPT must remain transparent, specific, and replicable over time. Language which leaves room for interpretation – for example as
Interest Rate: EIR) to calculate the income that the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) 2019 Page 6/6 Company can recognize in each period. The Company was on the period of evaluation the impact on
documented information security policy which addresses at least the following matters: (1) policy on the use of cloud computing which covers the methods for selection and evaluation of cloud providers, review
evaluation as well as negotiation and agreement between the Parties. The Company has taken seriously into account of the business plan and the Company’s interest and benefit. 4. Calculation of the size of the
1,447.32 million as of December 31, 2018 due to the decrease of other components of Shareholders’ Equity – the premium of asset evaluation. Kindly be informed accordingly, 5 Yours sincerely, East Coast
shareholder. This accounted 75.35 % in the third quarter of 2017. The company has not received a written valuation by an independent evaluation. So it is not yet recorded profit from changes to the investment
’ Equity – the premium of asset evaluation. Kindly be informed accordingly, Yours sincerely, East Coast Furnitech Public Company Limited -Signature- (Arak Suksawad) Managing Director
the lowest price from 2 independent appraisal companies, who are independent appraisers authorized by the SEC, from machineries evaluation as well as negotiation and agreement between the Parties. The
internal auditor) has relevant knowledge, experience, and skills. Moreover, the board should promote continuous education and development of directors through training and performance evaluation, to ensure
Proceeds) 2. กระบวนการที่ใช้ในการประเมินและคัดเลือกโครงการ (Process for Project Evaluation and Selection) 3. การบริหารจัดการเงินที่ได้จากการระดมทุน (Management of Proceeds) 4. การรายงาน (Reporting) ค าแนะน า