, which may nonetheless reflect material environmental risks. An external review may be partial, covering only certain aspects of an issuer’s Green Bond or associated Green Bond framework or full, assessing
the Issuer’s ASEAN Social Bonds framework or full, assessing alignment with all four core components as stated in the ASEAN SBS. 5.3 The external review provider must have the relevant expertise and
material social risks. An external review may be partial, covering only certain aspects of an issuer’s Social Bond or associated Social Bond framework or full, assessing alignment with all four core
and evaluating the evidence 4 Reaching an audit conclusion 5 Documenting the rationale for the professional judgment reached องคป์ระกอบพื นฐานในรายงานของผูส้อบบญัชี ขอ้มูลและเหตุการณท์ีเนน้ (ถา้มี
analysis, they can use information regarding environmental, social and governance performance when screening for potential investments and assessing potential risks. Investors who downplay the importance of
responsibility of the contractor in charge of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC). Currently, PNPC together with its insurers is in the process of assessing the situation and the Government of Lao PDR
Baht 280,000,000, which the Company has evaluate in accordance with international valuation standard. The Company views that the discounted cash flow basis is the most appropriate method for assessing
is the most appropriate method for assessing the value of Hero Experience. As a result of feasibility study, the Company will execute the transaction by aiming that such investment will provide
current and assessing our future specialty chemicals product portfolio and our desired position in specialty chemicals. We will update on our direction for this segment at the Capital Markets Day in early
uncertain at this point. The Group is currently in process of providing assistance to the Group's customers based on the various relief measures and also assessing the subsequent impacts from the situation