competitiveness and financial security, and to strengthen the overall market stability. The consultation paper on the draft amendment to the SEA regarding the CMDF establishment and the details thereof are
supervision of subordinated perpetual bonds to strengthen investor protection and simultaneously develop the debt securities market. In this regard, such type of bond to be offered for sale to the general
improvement of audit quality, enhance the credibility of the financial reporting system in the Thai capital market, and strengthen the mechanism for investor protection. In addition, the proposed supervisory
financial products to support linkages between the Thai and global capital markets which has also widen business opportunities for the banks and help strengthen the country?s financial market,? Mr. Vorapol
effort will strengthen capital market cooperation in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding concerning Strengthening Economic Relation between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and Hong
of the TLCA who participated in this meeting to strengthen our collaboration and proactive teamwork. Together we are fostering sustainable development in the capital market as well as building trust
capital market and the digital economy at large. “We would like to sincerely thank all TDO members for joining this transformative occasion to strengthen our cooperation and proactive teamwork to further
records or existing low-risk customers, while giving greater weight to digital lending. 2.2 Market Risk Management Overall, movements in foreign exchange saw the Thai Baht strengthen in the second quarter
tangible assets by calculating from the consolidate financial statement of the Company and its subsidiaries as at December 31, 2018 Size of Transaction = Value of Transaction/Non Tangible Assets = 47.29
months, end of March 31, 2019 Financial Statement Consolidate financial statement % revenue from sales Q1/2019 Q1/2018 increase(decrease) Q1/2019 Q1/2018 Revenues from sales 67.47 56.46 11.01 19.50% 100.00