financial year. The increase of the losses from FY2019/20 is due to the overall lower revenue contribution in FY2020/21 and additional pre-operating costs for IATSB and PT Ingress Industrial Indonesia (“PTIII
(Compared to 2020 level) US$3.23 million Social contribution (2023 performance) 682,204 consumers received the Circular Economy Education (2018-2023) 0.49 cases per 200,000 manhours lost time injury frequency
และสงัคมทีเ่กดิขึน้จากการด าเนนิ ธรุกจิ ระบผุูม้สีว่นไดเ้สยี และจัดล าดบัความส าคญัของผลกระทบ What, Who, How much, Contribution, Risk ชว่ยใหบ้รษัิทสามารถ - ระบผุูม้สีว่นไดส้ว่นเสยีทีเ่กีย่วขอ้ง - ตอบ
decision-making of companies The 12 SDG Impact Enterprise Actions 1.Commit to operating sustainably and making a positive contribution to the SDGs 2. Understand the sustainability context and map current and
, Collaborations & Industry Associations) Indorama Ventures’ Contribution to UN SDGs 10© Indorama Ventures 2024 SDGs PROGRESS SDGs Report 11© Indorama Ventures 2024 Global Agenda : Plastic Waste Opportunities
contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. This video is part of BCtA’s learning series on tools designed to support inclusive businesses. If you have an exciting, innovative, scalable inclusive business
the SEC website: and email: This Investment Scam Hotline Initiative is part of the SEC’s contribution to the Collaboration for Combating Investment Scams
accounting standards towards convergence with the ever-changing international accounting principles, the SEC made a 10-million baht contribution to enhance the operation the Federation of Accounting
stakeholders and promote their contribution to market development. ?The 4P?s Principle and corporate restructuring are further steps to improve our operation and prepare the SEC for the increasingly challenging
December 2017 and 2016 were THB 12,520 million and THB 9,778 million, respectively, increasing by THB 2,741 million or 28.0%. The main contribution for this increase was due to the following Cash & cash