, the contractual roles, rights and responsibilities of Saraburi under the NWR-SBCC Joint Venture agreement are terminated, with the Company assuming the rights and responsibilities of control and
in the joint venture. As a result, the contractual roles, rights and responsibilities of Saraburi under the NWR-SBCC Joint Venture agreement are terminated, with the Company assuming the rights and
course of increasing the distribution of products to cover the relevant areas in place of sales from one of the previous distributors whose distribution agreement had been terminated last year, and started
responsibilities in the joint venture. As a result, the contractual roles, rights and responsibilities of Saraburi under the NWR-SBCC Joint Venture agreement are terminated, with the Company assuming the rights and
venture. As a result, the contractual roles, rights and responsibilities of Saraburi under the NWR-SBCC Joint Venture agreement are terminated, with the Company assuming the rights and responsibilities of
performed in the last 400 days will be eligible to employees who worked for an uninterrupted period of twenty years or more and their employment were terminated due to retirement. This caused a onetime
prevent any damage from frauds. Accordingly, the bank has terminated the employment of these investment consultants without making any severance payment, initiated legal actions, and compensated every
Category of producer Equity holding (%) Installed Capacity (MW) Equity Capacity (MW) Commercial Operation Date Solar Roofop Solar VSPP 100% 11.2 11.2 4Q2018- 3Q2019 Gulf NLL2 Gas-fired Cogeneration SPP 25.01
Solar VSPP 100% 4.9 4.9 4Q2018- 1Q2019 Gulf NLL2 Gas-fired Cogeneration SPP 25.01 120.0 30.0 Jan 2019 CCE Waste to Energy VSPP 33.33 6.9 2.3 4Q2019 Total 131.8 37.2 OVERALL PERFORMANCE Operating Expense
( EOD Kiln 150TPD Petcoke Power Fired / Bituminous Coal Fired) เพื่อจัดส่งช้ินส่วนงานที่ลูกค้า สั่งซื้อส าหรับให้ลูกค้าท าการติดตั้ง โดยบริษัทฯ เป็นผู้ด าเนินการทดสอบ (Commissioning) ซึ่งเป็นรายการธุรกิจ