2018, and planned to expand the scope of its crude palm oil business, which will help boost the revenues and ensure the Company’s constant operating results. 3.2 Calculation of Transaction Size 3.2.1
price dumping, and (4) disclosing relevant information to assist investors in making informed investment decisions. In this context, the SET’s Board of Governors may adjust and implement the above
changes over the past few years. Traditional media such as television, newspaper, magazine and radio has been in steady decline, while Out-of-Home (“OOH”) and online/digital media have become the go-to
launch in the fourth quarter of 2024. Overall, the company continues to maintain steady growth in both sales and profits. 2. Significant events and developments The company has a total of 1 1 5 branches
1Gbps constant speed in every room at home. Enterprise solutions have the potential for growth in enhanced connectivity services alongside cloud related products amidst ongoing demand for digitalization
property sector funds Money Market Funds with constant NAV (MMF constant NAV) Investment in https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/LawandRegulations/NAV.aspx English (United States) Salesandpurchase country funds
Company’s constant operating results. In addi tion, the discontinuation of the manufacturing business of accessories and faucet products and the disposal of the Company’s assets relating to such business
baht in the year ended 31 December 2016. It is mainly from reducing production cost of print media and magazines to be consistent with declining sales as well as proper production cost control
received from the operating activities around 377.68 million baht, decreased by 370.49 million baht compared to September 30, 2019 which was consistent with the reduction of sales. However, the cash paid for
, decreased 7.7 million baht or 5.3 percent, as a result of controlling distribution cost of newspaper and magazines to be consistent with sales and services income. Consolidated administrative expenses for the