other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the selling transactions of thermoplastic of an IEC project in Rayong province. In so doing, Mr. Bhusana, Mr
inconsistent with the facts to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the selling transactions of thermoplastic of an IEC project in Rayong province. In so
to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the selling transactions of thermoplastic of an IEC project in Rayong province. In so doing, Mr. Bhusana
to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the selling transactions of thermoplastic of an IEC project in Rayong province. In so doing, Mr. Bhusana
inconsistent with the facts to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the selling transactions of thermoplastic of an IEC project in Rayong province. In so
inconsistent with the facts to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the transactions related to the outsourcing contract with Bann Tongkum Co., Ltd. where
subject to the number of counts of offences committed by each defendant. - Under Section 91(2) of the Penal Code, if it appears that any offender has committed the several distinct and different offences
): According to the report of her employer, Siam City Securities Co., Ltd., filed with the SEC, Preeyanuch was found to have committed severe wrongdoings when holding the position of branch manager and marketing
support to the offense committed by Bybit regarding operating a digital asset exchange business without license which is a violation of Section 26, a legal offense liable to the penalties under Section 66
Mr. Pohundratanakul and Mr. Klungpremjit are deemed support to the offense committed by Bybit regarding operating a digital asset exchange business without license which is a violation of Section 26, a