Profit for the period 2,020.5 20.2 3,375.7 20.3 1,355.2 67.1 หนา 2 ของ 5 I Revenue In conclusion, the Group has total revenues during year ended December 31, 2017 and 2018 amount of 9,987.8 million baht
and the operating results of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2019. The conclusion was detailed as follows: The Company's operating results for the year 2019, had a net profit of 17.2 million
management of cost and expense Including internal work process improvements for greater efficiency. As table shown above, can be analyzed according to the following : I Revenues In conclusion, the Group has
For the period ended 30 June 2017 7 SUTHA 5. Financial Ratio analysis Golden Lime Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis For the period ended 30 June 2017 8 SUTHA In conclusion, the
acquired assets Conclusion of 4 calculation methods of the transaction size Calculation method Percentage 1. Transaction size based on Net tangible assets value method ((NTA) N/A 2. Transaction size based on
year debt level. In conclusion, by Q4 2019, the Company has a clearer direction regarding the Sakthi’s transaction. For the year 2018 until Q3 2019, the Company was not able to address the Sakthi
19.84 million Baht and 2.56 million Baht respectively. However, NCL Indonesia suffered the net loss of 0.52 million Baht. NCL Indonesia expected higher profit in the future. CONCLUSION The total revenue
the period to Equity holders of the Company 1,508.2 22.7 1,457.9 21.5 (50.3) (3.3) หนา 2 ของ 5 I Revenues In conclusion, the Group has total revenues during the six-month period ended June 30th, 2018
3,142.0 29.4 1,915.1 156.1 Income tax expenses 260.5 6.5 730.6 6.8 470.2 180.5 Profit for the period 966.4 24.1 2,411.4 22.6 1,445.0 149.5 หน้า 2 ของ 5 I Revenue In conclusion, the Group has total
) หน้า 2 ของ 5 I Revenues In conclusion, the Group has total revenues during Quarter3/2018 and 2019 amount of 4,035.3 million baht and 3,628.5 million baht respectively, a decrease of 406.8 million baht