://law.sec.or.th/content/4831/7886/1#7886 การเสนอขายโทเคนดิจิทัลที่มีสัดส่วนการลงทุนในกระแสรายรับจากอสังหาริมทรัพย์น้อยกว่าร้อยละ 80 โครงการหรือกิจการใด ๆ (investment token) ประเภท asset backed token ซึ่งผู้เสนอขาย
the digital currency that is used broadly in the world with easy access, speed and low costs. It is a stable coin backed by assets with less volatility, unlike bitcoin.Moreover, Facebook and its
., Ltd. - Rich forest Co., Ltd. 3. The general characteristics of the transaction: The Company and its subsidiaries made transactions in regular business practice and supported regular business practice of
., Ltd. - Rich forest Co., Ltd. 3. The general characteristics of the transaction: The Company and its subsidiaries made transactions in regular business practice and supported regular business practice of
USD115.4 million. The increase was primarily due to volume growth of 3.3% Q-o-Q and 5.6% Y-o-Y (Table 4), which was supported by an increase in capacity from Phase 3 at the new plant and an adverse effect of
-term loan repayment capacity supported by solid operation, and the impact of strengthened Baht currency, which together helped offset an increase in interest rate. Earnings before interest, tax
appropriate investor protection mechanisms ▪ Real-estate backed token (1 March 2021) ▪ Infra-backed token (16 Nov 2023) ▪ Sustainability-themed token, ex., green tokens (1 June 2024) ▪ Soft power / utility
Founding Partners, and endorsed initiatives The Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM), the Paris Aligned Asset Owners (PAAO) and the UN-convened Net- Zero
: ▪ Of its signatories ▪ Of the financial markets and economies in which they operate ▪ And ultimately of the environment and society as a whole Investor-led, supported by the United Nations The six
generate income to the fund continuously; 2. being supported by documents evidencing the ownership or rights or agreements that are complete, clear and enforceable by law and sufficient for the fund to