is, the transaction size is equal to 30.24%., which is classified as Category 2, meaning that the value of the transaction is larger than 15 % but does not exceed 50 % of the Company's net profit
the above table, the net profit basis shows the highest result, that is, the transaction size is equal to 30.24%., which is classified as Category 2, meaning that the value of the transaction is larger
the above table, the net profit basis shows the highest result, that is, the transaction size is equal to 30.24%., which is classified as Category 2, meaning that the value of the transaction is larger
the above table, the net profit basis shows the highest result, that is, the transaction size is equal to 30.24%., which is classified as Category 2, meaning that the value of the transaction is larger
cancellation date of the agreement. Clause 17. An agreement which a retail client appoints the securities company as his or her securities broker, shall bear a statement of larger fonts, or mark or be done by
statement of larger fonts, or mark or be done by other methods to highlight such statement for the client to acknowledge the followings: (1) the risk caused by fluctuation of value of securities or collateral
into larger customer segment during the year 2017. 14 SMEs loans were Baht 24,629 million, an increase of 7.0%. SMEs loan comprises of several business sectors including Apartment & Hotel, Logistics
development loans (RE) were Baht 25,079 million, expanded by 17.9% from the end of 2017 mainly as a result of the Bank expansion into larger customer segment during the year 2017. 14 SMEs loans were Baht 24,629
follows: Real estate development loans (RE) were Baht 25,943 million, expanded by 21.9% from the end of 2017 mainly as a result of the Bank expansion into larger customer segment during the year 2017. 14
follows: Real estate development loans (RE) were Baht 25,943 million, expanded by 21.9% from the end of 2017 mainly as a result of the Bank expansion into larger customer segment during the year 2017. 14