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market (McGuigan et. al., 2006) etc. Page 10/40 Literature Review (Cont) • Hamon, J. and Jacquillat, B. (1999) studies on the relationship between size of the company and its stock return. They find that
for Thai-listed companies. However, it is inconsistent with the UK evidence provided by Lennox, et al. (2018) and Gutierrez, et al. (2018), and New Zealand evidence provided by Almulla and Bradbury
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Office: Al. Jerozolimskie 56C, 00-803 Warsaw, Poland Incorporated under the laws of: Poland Type of business: Hotel operation business Registered capital: PLN 5,000 (or equivalent to Baht 42,600) divided
. Registered Office: Al. Jerozolimskie 56C, 00-803 Warsaw, Poland Incorporated under the laws of: Poland Type of business: Hotel operation business Registered capital: PLN 5,000 (or equivalent to Baht 38,980
• Application controls 2 Why do we need to audit IT system? • Highly dependent on IT system • The companies with high overall IT risk assessment tend to have more accounting errors (Grant et al. 2008) • Li et al
, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment : 1. Capital Increase Report Form (F 53-4) 2. Information Memorandum in relation to the al... https://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/Download?FILEID=dat/news
NREL (2004) PV FAQs available at: http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy05osti/37322.pdf 8 EPIA (2011) The Energy Pay Back Time, available at www.epia.org 9 Geyer et al (2005) Concentrated Solar Power Now