combination of higher amount of raw materials using than standard setting (BOM Calculation) in Flexible Packaging production line, , especially the printing color, because the new order need a longer set up and
period of last year by Baht 4.03 million, this is a combination gain from exchange rate and interest income from managing cash to invest in both short-term and long-term investments. Distribution costs
adjustments), as set out in the last financial statements published by Permata prior to the closing of the Transaction. 4. Source of Funds The Bank expects the Transaction to be financed via combination of
consideration test, calculated based on the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2017. When calculated in aggregation with the disposition of assets in the past
calculated in aggregation with the disposition of assets in the past six months, the size of the transaction is equal to 43.18 percent which is equal to 15 percent or higher, but less than 50 percent, this is
แกร่งของคุณภาพโครงข่าย 4G ด้วยเทคโนโลย ี2-Carrier และ 3-Carrier Aggregation ขณะทีก่ารแขง่ขนัยงัคง มุง่เน้นการท าแคมเปญมอืถอืและใชก้ลยุทธท์างด้านราคา เพื่อรกัษาฐานลูกค้า เก่าและดงึดูดลูกคา้ใหมท่ีม่คีุณภาพ
an otherwise good seasonal quarter, and taken together with de-consolidation of India PET business, had a volume impact on IVL of 7% for the 2nd quarter and 2% LTM; Estate-wide Utility revamp
attributable to the consolidation of AAPICO Maia. Total shareholders’ equity decreased by Baht 467 million, caused by loss in 2019. Key Financial Performance Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Return on
and profits through consolidation of financial statements of the Subsidiary that will invest in this project. Therefore, the transaction is deemed reasonable and beneficial and will help enhance the
the Malaysia dealership sales figures has increased, due to THB strengthening, the total revenue decrease after conversion to THB during consolidation. Cost of sales and services increased in accordance