fee, and management fee for the benefits of the shareholders and company.GSTEEL IFA, I. V. Global Securities Plc., is of the view that: 1. The fair value of GSTEEL shares is at B0.62 per share based on
holders have already been required to file every five percent report and disclosed on SEC or SET websites. The revised issues with a view to providing investors with more information include:(1) Extension
people allegedly involved as he previously claimed. His assumption was based on his own personal view. As publicized via various media, Mr. Akeyuth Anchanbutr has accused that (1) two politicians
a different view from the decision of the Court of First Instance in the matter of facts and the matter of law; therefore, the Company will exercise the right to appeal such decision; - deferred tax
subsidiaries (the “Company”) has recently submitted the reviewed interim financial statements for period ended 30 June 2017 to the Stock Exchange of Thailand with a view to share the information with general
less than five years. In the first two years, those information and documents shall be preserved in such a way that is promptly available for the Office to view or inspect.” Clause 3 This Notification
than five years. In the first two years, those information and (Unofficial Translation) documents shall be preserved in such a way that is promptly available for the Office to view or inspect.” Clause 3
the first two years, those information and (Unofficial Translation) documents shall be preserved in such a way that is promptly available for the Office to view or inspect.” Clause 3 This Notification
of the Board of Directors, and none of the directors had the different view or abstention. Please kindly be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, -Signed- Mrs. Wirawan Tharanont EVP & Company
been rendered by the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, amounting 173 million Baht. However, the Company has a different view from the decision of the Court of First Instance in