rates in respond to high vegetable oil price. Despite the increase of main raw material costs, the products’ spread margin was improved together with the reliability of production unit throughout the year
สํานักงาน 3. การกําหนดราคาตราสารหนี้ที่ เสนอขาย ไมควรกําหนดใหเปดเผย เน่ืองจากมีขอมูลจากตลาดเงินเปน ตัวอางอิงอยูแลว และการเปดเผยดวย reference rate และ spread ก็เพียงพอแลว การกําหนดใหผูออกตรา
comparing to last year due primarily to the COVID-19 outbreak which started in January in China and has since spread to several countries. Measures to contain the outbreak imposed by several countries have
, which the government announced the closing of shopping centers and shopping centers to reduce the spread of the epidemic. The company's business in terms of leased space for retail traders, IT Junction
amounting to Baht 67 million and Baht 4 million, respectively. The loss was increased by Baht 63 million. Due to the unpredictable spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Baht depreciation against US Dollar during
because the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID- 19) in Thailand has continued to spread rapidly and widely and the government has requested cooperation from all sectors to refrain from
) Plc., reduced quite a number of our service staffs attributed to the shutdown of the customer sites during the spread over of the pandemic, COVID-19. Revenue from Consulting Service and Implementation
started in January in China and has since spread to several countries. Measures to contain the outbreak imposed by several countries have led to widespread slowdown in economic activities. Private
contain further spread of damage."Mrs. Ampai Jitrjamesai, Assistant Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, said: “The Ministry has introduced the Anti-Online Scam Operation
petrol station at 4,953 stations on March 31, 2020, in spite of the lower transportation during the spread of COVID- 19 outbreak. Additionally, the Government has continually stimulated biodiesel usage