compared with the year 2019, 9.96 million baht increase 4.96 million baht or 49.79% because beginning to TFRS 9 : Financial Instruments. 5. Share of loss on investments in joint ventures (9.50) million baht
, Tambol Ban Lane, Amphur Bangpa-in, Ayuthaya Province 13160, Thailand Tel (035) 350 880 Fax (035) 350 881 Website: บริษัท อาปิโก ไฮเทค จ ากดั (มหาชน) AAPICO HITECH PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Ref
-district, Hokkaido Province, Japan per following details: 1.1 Date of Transaction Expected to be completed within February 2018 1.2 Contract Parties Seller: Pace Development Corporation Public Company
World Corporation Public Company Limited. 4 Moo11 Hathai Rat Road, TumbonLatSawai, AmpurLumLukKa, PathumThani Province Ref. World 08-06/2018 20 August 2018 Subject: Clarification of 4rd Quarter 2018
, Tambol Ban Lane, Amphur Bangpa-in, Ayuthaya Province 13160, Thailand Tel (035) 350 880 Fax (035) 350 881 Website: บริษัท อาปิโก ไฮเทค จ ากดั (มหาชน) AAPICO HITECH PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Ref
, Tambol Ban Lane, Amphur Bangpa-in, Ayuthaya Province 13160, Thailand Tel (035) 350 880 Fax (035) 350 881 Website: บริษัท อาปิโก ไฮเทค จ ากดั (มหาชน) AAPICO HITECH PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Ref
World Corporation Public Company Limited. Ref. World 11-07/2019 4 Moo 11 Hathai Rat Road, Tumbon Lat Sawai Ampur Lum Luk Ka, Pathum Thani Province November 26, 2019 Re : Approval of Acquisition of
Microsoft Word - World 2562-11-02 ซื้อรพ. EN World Corporation Public Company Limited. Ref. World 11-02/2019 4 Moo 11 Hathai Rat Road, Tumbon Lat Sawai Ampur Lum Luk Ka, Pathum Thani Province
World Corporation Public Company Limited. Ref. World 11-04/2019 4 Moo 11 Hathai Rat Road, Tumbon Lat Sawai Ampur Lum Luk Ka, Pathum Thani Province November 20, 2019 Re : Approval of Acquisition of
) 350 881 99 Moo 1, Hitech Industrial Estate, Tambol Ban Lane, Amphur Bangpa-in, Ayuthaya Province 13160, Thailand Tel (035) 350 880 Fax (035) 350 881 Website: บริษทั อาปิโก