proprietary trading) in this second quarter of 2020 rose to Baht 64 Billion which increased by 37% from last year. Moreover, Krungthai Zmico was capable to increase market share from 1.70% to 2.91% in this
11.5 GB/subscriber, also rose more reasonably following the discontinued unlimited data offerings. CAPEX was well under plan with 1H19 investment of Bt13,265mn tracking with the full year guidance of
) -45% 10% Profit attributable to owners of parent 1,168 (1,546) 214 -82% 114% Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.85 (1.12) 0.16 Note: 1/ EBITDA from Refinery Business of the Company, BCP Trading Pte. Ltd
466.2 404.3 443.5 Net Profit 516.7 597.6 -13.5% 662.2 -22.0% 15.02% 17.62% 18.73% Total Revenue Consolidated sales revenue in Baht terms rose slightly to Bt3,440 million in 1Q18, representing an increase
Profit 672.3 662.2 +1.5 % 811.8 - 17.2 % Total Revenue Consolidated sales revenue in Baht terms rose slightly Y-o-Y from Bt3,578.6 million in 2Q16 to Bt3,663.5 million in 2Q17, and increased by 3.6% from
437.0 Net Profit 612.4 672.3 - 8.9 % 786.0 - 22.1 % Total Revenue Consolidated sales revenue in Baht terms rose slightly Y-o-Y from Bt3,515.2 million in 3Q16 to Bt3,602.0 million in 3Q17, but decreased Q
6M18. Net profit rose 87.50% to Baht 83.14 million from Baht 44.34 million in 6M18, with net profit margin at 19.56% in 6M19 compared to 15.36% in 6M18. Details of the management discussion and analysis
, rose by 86% compared to 1Q2019, resulting to EBITDA of THB 345 million, improved from prior year by 145% mainly from profitability improvement of methyl ester driven by lessen competition in product
percent, followed by Europe and Latin America, 6.2 and 6.1 percent respectively. In terms of seat supply, worldwide capacity growth or available seat kilometers (ASK) of the first 9 months 2018 rose 6.0
8.6 percent: the greatest growths were contributed from Russia, Spain and Belgium at 19.2 percent, 16.9 percent and 13.9 percent respectively. However, the number of Chinese tourists slightly rose by