Rectangle ข ัน้ตอน ระยะเวลำ และสว่นงำนทีร่บัผดิชอบ ระยะเวลำในกำรด ำเนนิกำรรวม : 60 วัน ล ำดบั ข ัน้ตอน ระยะเวลำ สว่นทีร่บัผดิชอบ 1) การตรวจสอบเอกสาร เจา้หนา้ทีต่รวจสอบหนังสอืขอความเห็นชอบหลักเกณฑข์อง
province (“Ratchaphatsadu Land”) totaling 2 plots, approximate area is 1,335 rai 2 ngan 28.1 square wah, for 50 years, for the purpose of creating opportunities and supporting real estate and/or industrial
per Land Title Deeds Nos. 5560, 5566, 7701, 12700, and 13486), including relevant licenses 51 rai 1 ngarn 45 square wah 2 16 buildings and structures located on land per Land Title Deeds Nos. 12700 and
with 9 title deeds of total areas of 5-1-05.8 Rai (2,105.08 Square Wah) located at Rop Wiang, Mueang, Chiang Rai from three sellers; Central Land & House Complex Co., Ltd., C P T Hotel and Resort Co
Ayutthaya province. A total area of 262-1-71 rai (Less is devoted to the public interest, the remaining area of 0-2-50 rai valuation of 261-3-21 rai or 104,721 square meters, was not indivisible unit
of 262-1-71 rai (Less is devoted to the public interest, the remaining area of 0-2-50 rai valuation of 261-3-21 rai or 104,721 square meters, was not indivisible unit.) and deed number
sale the idle asset, Deed No. 332983 and 333835 located in Praksa sub-district, Mueang Samut Prakan district, Samut Prakan province in total area 21 Rai 1 Ngan 37.6 square wa the price of 138,736,000
area 21 Rai 1 Ngan 37.6 square wa the price of 138,736,000 Baht. 5) Objective of Transaction To preparing Working Capital for increase liquidity of business. 6) Payment Condition Totally pay in cash. 7
262-1-71 rai (Less is devoted to the public interest, the remaining area of 0-2-50 rai valuation of 261-3-21 rai or 104,721 square meters, was not indivisible unit.) Evaluation by GROW Estimation Co
amount of Baht 16.27 million. In year 2018, the Company sold land and buildings which were formerly the headquarters and sold 4 plots of land at Phan Thong in the area of 75 rai 34 square wah, according to