. (“Kinpo- Philippines”) ประเภทสินทรัพยถ์าวร เคร่ืองตรวจสอบขอ้บกพร่อง (“AOI”) จ านวน 2 ชุด สายพานล าเลียง จ านวน 9 ชุด อุปกรณ์ทอดสอบแบบ x-ray ส าหรับผลิตภณัฑ ์HDD จ านวน 1 ชุด อายกุารใชง้านประมาณ 7 ปี อายใุ
98.17 14.41 14.68 Medical service 4.65 2.59 2.05 79.29 Drugs and medical supplies 0.21 0.22 (0.01) (6.42) Other supplies 0.17 0.38 (0.21) (55.07) X-ray 2.76 2.20 0.56 25.52 Discount (3.83) (2.92) 0.91
% Medical treatment 478.45 442.26 36.19 8.18 Medical service 24.70 16.18 8.53 52.70 Drugs and medical supplies 0.86 0.98 (0.12) (12.27) Other supplies 1.14 1.35 (0.22) (15.92) X-ray 11.30 10.09 1.21 11.97
Increase (Decrease) Amount % Medical treatment 104.71 111.67 (6.96) (6.24) Medical service 7.01 4.65 2.36 50.77 Drugs and medical supplies 0.18 0.21 (0.02) (11.02) Other supplies 0.22 0.17 0.05 30.82 X-ray
บนัทกึปีใหเ้ป็นปี ค.ศ.และ DD เป็น วันสิน้เดอืนเทา่นัน้ Data No. Field name Description Format Possible value Remark 1 Issue code ชือ่หลักทรัพย ์(Issue Name) varchar(30) Y 2 ISIN Code/Cusip Code/ Sedol Code
approximately 5.30 Million Baht or 14.52% because of, customers waiting for the measures promoted by the government to issue a policy plan for a loan from a financial institution. Cost of Sales For financial
return value at 0.0295 (calculated from the financial statements ended as June 30, 2017), For this issue, the transaction is not classified as either a connected transaction and transaction size is not the
of Finance Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Published in Government Gazette, General Issue, Vol. 117, Special Section 124Ngor, dated 6 December 2000.
Finance Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Published in Government Gazette, General Issue, Vol. 117, Special Section 124Ngor, dated 6 December 2000.
Nimmanhaeminda) Minister of Finance Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Published in Government Gazette, General Issue, Vol. 117, Special Section 124Ngor, dated 6 December 2000.