ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจตามแบบรายงาน Risk Level Assessment ("รายงาน RLA") โดยต้องจัดส่งรายงาน RLA สำหรับปี 2566 ครั้งที่ 1 ภายในวันที่ 31 กรกฎาคม 2566ซึ่งต่อมา KWI ได้จัดส่งแบบรายงาน RLA สำหรับปี 2566 ครั้งที่ 1
ประเภทนายหน้าซื้อขายหลักทรัพย์ที่เป็นหน่วยลงทุน มีหน้าที่ต้องประเมินระดับความเสี่ยงเกี่ยวกับระบบเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศซึ่งส่งผลต่อการดำเนินธุรกิจของผู้ประกอบธุรกิจตามแบบรายงาน Risk Level Assessment ("
material facts that should had been stated, according to the assessment report assigned by EARTH’s business rehabilitation planner (EY Corporate Advisory Services Company Limited), about the existing right
should had been stated, according to the assessment report assigned by EARTH’s business rehabilitation planner (EY Corporate Advisory Services Company Limited), about the existing right of 2 coal mines and
that should had been stated, according to the assessment report assigned by EARTH’s business rehabilitation planner (EY Corporate Advisory Services Company Limited), about the existing right of 2 coal
should had been stated, according to the assessment report assigned by EARTH’s business rehabilitation planner (EY Corporate Advisory Services Company Limited), about the existing right of 2 coal mines and
according to assessment reports of 2 valuer companies that EARTH claimed that EARTH had assigned by himself. Such information is materially misleading about financial condition, business operation, or any
assessment reports of 2 valuer companies that EARTH claimed that EARTH had assigned by himself. Such information is materially misleading about financial condition, business operation, or any other information
to assessment reports of 2 valuer companies that EARTH claimed that EARTH had assigned by himself. Such information is materially misleading about financial condition, business operation, or any other
assessment reports of 2 valuer companies that EARTH claimed that EARTH had assigned by himself. Such information is materially misleading about financial condition, business operation, or any other information