Mr. Kusol Sangkananth SEC Act S.300 in conjunction with 56(4) Settlement Committee Meeting No. 8/2024 Settlement Committee Order No. 90/2024 Dated 29/10/2024
Mr. Kusol Sangkananth SEC Act S.300 in conjunction with 56(4) Settlement Committee Meeting No. 8/2024 Settlement Committee Order No. 90/2024 Dated 29/10/2024
Mr. Kusol Sangkananth SEC Act S.300 in conjunction with 56(4) Settlement Committee Meeting No. 8/2024 Settlement Committee Order No. 90/2024 Dated 29/10/2024
Mr. Kusol Sangkananth SEC Act S.300 in conjunction with 56(4) Settlement Committee Meeting No. 8/2024 Settlement Committee Order No. 90/2024 Dated 29/10/2024
to order or act duty resulting in Beyond’s engagement in any other business which is not a licensed securities business without permission from the Capital Market Supervisory Boards approval which
to order or act resulting in Beyond’s failure to put in place sufficient and effective risk management system which violated Section 113 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 amended by the
Asia Wealth Securities Company Limited Is being processed. SEC Act S.98(3) Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 29/12/2022
PACE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED SEC Act S.56(2)(4) Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 18/04/2023
Mr. Sorapoj Techakraisri SEC Act S.300 in conjunction with 56(2)(4) Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 18/04/2023
PACE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED SEC Act S.56(2)(3)(4) Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 21/03/2024