shall have the power to specify the particulars which are material to the agreement. (As amended by Section 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act (No.2) B.E. 2542)
shall have the power to specify the particulars which are material to the agreement. (As amended by Section 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act (No.2) B.E. 2542)
obligations specified in the rule concerning acquisitions and disposals of material assets by listed companies. Please be informed accordingly, Yours sincerely, Finansa Public Company Limited (Mr. Vorasit
his securities trading account in such a way that taking advantage of others by using positive material non- public information concerning negotiation which CPALL negotiated with SHV Netherland B.V
securities trading account in such a way that taking advantage of others by using positive material non- public information concerning negotiation which CPALL negotiated with SHV Netherland B.V. (SHV) to
receivership on 3 August 2017. Such material facts were subject to public disclosure within a reasonable timeframe after the issuing date of the Court's order of receivership; however, POLAR did not disclose
leave out unnecessary information. This will help clearly identify material information. The SEC in coordination with its approved auditors and the Institute of Certified Accounts and Auditors of Thailand
advantage of others by using non-public information material to GLOBAL share price. Mr. Witoon used non-public information concerning the joint venture agreement between GLOBAL and SCG Distribution Company
information material to GLOBAL share price. Mr. Witoon used non-public information concerning the joint venture agreement between GLOBAL and SCG Distribution Company Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Limited (“GLOBAL”) through his securities trading account and clearing such transactions for Mr. Witoon’s benefits in such a way that taking advantage of others by using non-public information material to