Reporting Standard • Establishing Common Language for Environmental Management Impacts from Operation 13 Environmental Management Capabilities - Collaboration 14 Measure What Matters with High Standard 15
Measure, Manage and Report Impact 09:00 – 09:30 ลงทะเบยีนและรับประทานกาแฟ 09:30 – 09:40 สรุปสิง่ทีไ่ดเ้รยีนรูใ้นวันแรก คณุอภญิญา (UNDP) 09:40 – 10:55 เสวนา: การน า SDGs IMM ไปใชใ้นรายงานความย่ังยนื • ผูแ้ทน
(Organizational Control and Environment Measure) สวนที่ 2 การบริหารความเสี่ยง (Risk Management Measure) สวนที่ 3 การควบคุมการปฏบิัติงานของฝายบริหาร (Management Control Activities) สวนที่ 4 ระบบสารสนเทศและการ
to assess its potential impacts upon businesses, including those from the government’s policies under the Paris Agreement, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 to 25 percent by 2030, and
spread of COVID-19, the government of many countries enacted lockdown measure, leading to the announcement of the temporarily capacity reduction of plant for a long while by customers. As a result, fatty
institution’s clients. However, the securities company must, in case of cross-border omnibus accounts, assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the financial institutions’ KYC/CDD measures and controls prior to
company must, in case of cross-border omnibus accounts, assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the financial institutions’ KYC/CDD measures and controls prior to requesting for approval from senior
financial institution’s clients. However, the securities company must, in case of cross-border omnibus accounts, assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the financial institutions’ KYC/CDD measures and
team constantly monitor the situation to manage and mitigate risks, assess the impact on the business and ensure that the operations complied with additional health and safety measures announced by the
customers and employees. The Group constantly monitors the situation to manage and mitigate risks, assess the impact on the business, and ensure that the operations comply with additional health and safety