to the public and they have access by virtue of their office or position. PCL, Mr. Pranay and Mr. Manish jointly use the inside information to instruct PAPL to buy 7,940,100 shares of PTL in PAPL’s
to the public and they have access by virtue of their office or position. PCL, Mr. Pranay and Mr. Manish jointly use the inside information to instruct PAPL to buy 7,940,100 shares of PTL in PAPL’s
% improved from 30.6% in 2017, from increase sales volume and improved production cost which was partly from an innovative cost saving methodology of the recycled treated wastewater. Our first Reclaimed Water
Profit Margins of excluding Other Utilities Revenue was 36.2% improved from 35.1% in 1Q2018, from increase sales volume and improved production cost which was partly from an innovative cost saving
the Company and its shareholders. Due to the biopharmaceuticals products for eliminate the water hyacinth are the new innovative products that has passed the researched and testing until find that can
. เช่น สร้าง influencer จากกลุ่มนักศึกษา รายจ่ายท่ีใช้งบประมาณปกติ - องค์กรนวัตกรรม Innovative Organization 11,880,250 รายจ่ายท่ีใช้งบประมาณพัฒนาตลาดทุน - รายจ่ายท่ีใช้งบประมาณปกติ 11,880,250 25 พัฒนา
ขึ้น (2) มีการนาํนวตักรรมมาใชใ้นการประกอบการ (innovative financial services) ซ่ึงสามารถช่วยแกไ้ขปัญหาหรือพฒันาการใหบ้ริการในตลาดทุนไทย หรือเป็นประโยชน์ ต่อผูล้งทุนไทยหรือตลาดทุนไทย (3) มีความพร้อมในการ
business can be divided into 2 categories including (1) television program production and distribution and (2) creative and marketing management communication services. In 2017, the Group generated revenues
expansion Innovative products and services Resilience 8 Pressures from all directions • Increasing national and international regulations For example: EU’s Carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM); Right to
Annual Report 2006 Khon... the classical masked drama since the Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350-1767). It is performed to the epic of Ramayana, which portrays the war between Rama (the Righteous King) and Totsakan (the Demon King), the Conquer of Good over Evil. Khon masks... headdresses worn by Khon performers, the single most important character-identifying piece of Khon costume. The masks, now an invaluable export item, epitomize the exquisite beauty and unique elegance of Thai fine arts. In Suppor...