– Ref. LMJG/SET/2017/011 November 10, 2017 Subject: Notice of investment termination in PVR BLUO Entertainment Limited (Edit), Attention: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Major Cineplex Group
– Ref. LMJG/SET/2017/011 November 10, 2017 Subject: Notice of investment termination in PVR BLUO Entertainment Limited (Edit No.2), Attention: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Major Cineplex
Announcement of 2006 Public Holidays HPIR -009/2020 February 28, 2020 Subject : Management Discussion and Analysis of the operating performance for the year of 2019 (Edit) Attention : The President
and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 Mar 2020 02/03/2020 12:46 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31 Dec 2019 (Edit) 02/03/2020 08:50 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31 Dec
Quarter 2 Ending 30 Jun 2020 (Edit) 13/08/2020 18:08 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30 Jun 2020 13/05/2020 20:48 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 Mar 2020 27/02
2020 12/05/2020 08:34 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 Mar 2020 25/02/2020 08:49 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31 Dec 2019 (Edit 2nd) Click here to display all
also advocate for the integration of these principles into business’s strategies and operations. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr. Renaud Meyer, Resident Representative of UNDP in Thailand said
AIGCC 2 3 Vision & Mission Vision: A climate resilient economy that is on track by 2030 for a net zero emissions global economy by 2050. Mission: To connect, collaborate and advocate for and on behalf of
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investments to establish a sustainable value chain and ecosystem. Additionally, we advocate for the use of new financial tools to mobilize private sector capital towards achieving the SDGs. This effort requires