Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 Mar 2022 22/02/2022 18:05 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31 Dec 2021(Edit) 21/02/2022 17:36 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly
subsidiary company (Sabaijai Money Co., Ltd.) (edit) 15/11/2021 17:24 Report on the progress of a subsidiary company establishment (additional share acquisition in a joint venture company: Sabaijai Money Co
4,980.73 to 1,817.28 million THB. Around 72% is the inventory but the gross profit is maintained at 30% of income. Moreover, the management expense is controlled and has decreased 31.25% from that of the
9.90 million, respectively. The Company had a profit from its normal operation during the first 6-month period of 2020 because the Company controlled its expenses better than in the first 6-month period
Chokwatana (Edit) 02/03/2021 08:14 Approval of transaction contract of rent with connected persons 02/03/2021 08:13 The Information of the connected transaction on receiving financial assistance Approved the
แจ้งSET_EN_BOD Resolutions (EN).20180404_vF_signature_combine.pdf 1 เลขที 1 อาคาร ทีพี แอนด์ ที ชนั 14 ซอยวิภาวดีรังสติ 19 14th Floor, TP&T Tower 1 Soi Vibhavadee-Rangsit 19 Tel : (662) 936-1661-2 แขวงจตจุกัร เขตจตจุกัร กรุงเทพฯ 10900 Chatuchak, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Fax : (662) 936-1669 ทะเบียนเลขที 0107554000097 Registration No. 0107554000097 HYDROTEK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จํากดั (Translation) No. 024/0461 April 4, 2018 Subject Notification of the Board of Direct...
participating fund managers have the necessary experience and track record in managing retail funds, and funds offered under the framework are regulated and managed based on industry best practices. Regulatory
provision as the Company did not provide extreme reserved and protected animal under Appendix I. Most animals are in the subsequent Appendix which are controlled under the Act and Convention that provides
follows: 1. Asset management companies are permitted to act as the custodian of their managed private funds that belong to institutional investors or have asset value exceeding one million baht
Mr. Vijchu Chantatub During 24 - 29 October 2018 and 13 November 2018, Mr. Vijchu Chantatub as a private fund manager, managed a private fund without honesty and care to preserve the interests of the