implicit in the methodology but have been clarified through notes Web pages that facilitate dissemination Research highlights on the credit implications of ESG trends and factors ESG- specific conferences or
ecosystem • Poise Thai companies for impact success as they integrate management practices to support reporting/compliance initiatives. • Build awareness through dissemination and knowledge sharing
. Assessment criteria The assessment focuses on the whole process of AGM, starting from the dissemination of the meeting notice attached with details of the arrangement before, during and after the meeting
to be reported to their Board of Directors at least on an annual basis. Clause 7. Securities company shall arrange for on-going training for all employees, including those delegated by the companies
at least on an annual basis. Clause 7. Securities company shall arrange for on-going training for all employees, including those delegated by the companies, so as to ensure compliance with this
to be reported to their Board of Directors at least on an annual basis. Clause 7. Securities company shall arrange for on-going training for all employees, including those delegated by the companies
and develop stakeholders in the financial reporting ecosystem. Among others, we emphasized communication and dissemination of body of knowledge. By cooperating with relevant bodies, e.g., the Thailand
problem which is harmful to human health. All of these events, which are spreading across the globe, have an adverse impact on individuals and the economy as a whole, in the short and long term, and will
บริษัท (on-going KYC/CDD) • จะตองจดักลุมเพื่อทํา KYC/CDD ตามระดบัความเสี่ยงของลูกคาเกี่ยวกับ การฟอกเงิน • บล. จะตองจัดใหมีระบบฐานขอมูลหรือขั้นตอนการปฏบิัติงานในการเขาถึง ฐานขอมูลที่เพยีงพอ รวมทั้ง
เศรษฐกิจและสังคมของประเทศ และไมมีสวนเกี่ยวของกับธุรกิจที่ไมชอบดวยกฎหมาย 2. ไมมีเหตุสงสัยวาบริษัทจะไมสามารถดําเนินงานไดอยางตอเนื่องในระยะยาว (going concern) 3. ธุรกิจของ issuer และบริษัทยอยไมมี