) Financial Assistance Borrower : The Company Lender : Link Capital I Relationships with the Company : As of the Credit Agreement execution date until now, Link Capital I does not have any relationship with the
efficiently. Beside this, The Company focused on managing the account receivable turnover especially debtor screening policy efficiently. Therefore, there has been no record for an uncollectible account from
turnover especially debtor screening policy efficiently. Therefore, there has been no record for an uncollectible account from Debtors. This is to ensure the company financial status and performance. The
has no policy to overstock but to manage the inventory turnover efficiently. Beside this, The Company focused on managing the account receivable turnover especially debtor screening policy efficiently
declining from external trade receivables of 53.18 Million Baht and related debtor (EMC) has pay debts to subsidiary (UWC) as amount of 170.00 Million Baht and decline in advance payment of 8.70 Million Baht
times. However, in case of the debtor ignores, the company delegated the law firm issue a notice. As for recording allowance for doubtful accounts for trade receivables, if trade receivables are overdue
Saran made up fake documents and partially paid for the debt owed by Suthat, who had agreed to take on the debt for Suthin and Charuwan, to mislead the company's auditor into believing that the debtor
Hitech Public Company Limited (“AH”), a listed company in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Borrower Sakthi Global Auto Holdings Limited (“SGAH”), which is at present an associate of the Company. Detail of
related parties and its relationship with the listed company Lender : Jasmine Telecom Systems Public Company Limited Borrower : Jasmine International Public Company Limited (“JAS”) Relationship with the
: Estimated transaction date by January 17, 2018. 2. Connected Parties: Lender: Cal-Comp Optical Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd (“CCOS”) Borrower: XYZprinting (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (“XYZ-Suzhou”) 3. General