approximately 4-6 months for customers’ awareness and regular use of service which causes income to reach the Company’s standard. Therefore, depreciation cost rises over an income at the beginning period of kiosk
เข้าถึงได้” 4 5 Enablers: collaboration / capacity building / awareness raising / regulation / guidelines / enforcement / incentive การพัฒนาระบบ
preferred payment channel. While the awareness of our video platform (AIS PLAY) continued (2mn active subscribers) , in 1Q19 AIS has made a strong presence in eSports arena aiming to support gaming ecosystems
consumers with the aim to raise brand awareness, create product experience, and demand of our branded products. On top of this, football sponsorships with Chelsea Footballl Club Limited (CFC) and English
distribution 234 351 118 50.4 749 957 208 27.8 Others 23 18 (5) (21.8) 38 43 5 14.3 Total 3,627 3,862 235 6.5 10,582 10,976 394 3.7 For the 3-month period ended Change For the 9-month period ended Change
ทอ้นถึงกำรมี ESG ของ บจ. - จดัจำ้งผูเ้ช่ียวชำญท ำบทวิจยัสภำพแวดลอ้มดำ้นกำรเปิดเผยขอ้มูลของ บจ. ไทย (climate change) (เงินสนบัสนุนบทวิจยั 1 ลบ.) 2 เสริมสร้ำงตลำดทุนธรรมำภิบำลเฉลิมพระ เกียรติ เน่ืองในโอกำ
have risen abruptly, especially the rapid evolution of digital technology, intensified effects of climate change, and regulatory changes in the financial business. To cope with these issues, most
public sector to reduce their impact on climate change, while mitigating risk and creating value on their sustainability journeys. South Pole Climate Solutions Support along the entire corporate
the project is pending for the construction license approval process of the project, which delays due to change in policy on procedure and the license approval process of the licensing agency, which is
investments are to maintain brand awareness, build the new brand, and simultaneously add business value to the group, all of which are expected to gradually generate returns in the future. As for food business