approved by high-level management. In this case, such system shall; (a) generate good control environment; (b) assess, administer and manage any risks which arise or may arisen from conducting business to be
) having internal control system which is approved by high-level management. In this case, such system shall; (a) generate good control environment; (b) assess, administer and manage any risks which arise or
, administer and manage any risks which arise or may arisen from conducting business to be at a controllable level which have no impact on undertaking of fund management; (c) determine efficient control
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sale revenue increase by 4.43% results in better profit margin compare to the year 2018 which is increase by 10.87 million baht due to the company has more capability to control waste thus, the
Internal Control Sufficiency Evaluation Form Concepts and Objectives Good internal control is essential for a listed company or a public company as it can help preventing, managing, mitigating risks
economy has been pressured from number of factors, namely 1.) Tourism sector was shrinking from travel restriction measures to control the pandemic resulting in lower both local and foreign tourists 2
Central Pattana Public Company Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Page 1 of 16 Executive Summary The Company implemented proactive measures to timely manage the situation rapidly
Central Pattana Public Company Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Page 1 of 15 Executive Summary The Company implemented proactive measures to timely manage the situation rapidly
(Oldest) SEC Search /solr/secweb/select?q= electronic possession OR " electronic possession " OR " electrical ownership " OR " electrical control" OR "digital ownership " OR "digital control"&wt=json&indent