bank network over the world with the national standard which have the various and the comprehensive services such as: - Letter of Credit - Bills for Collection - Trust Receipt - Shipping Guarantee
broadcasting the Football Leagues. Further, Triple CH agrees to guarantee its performance under the Business Collaboration and Investment Agreement for the period of 18 months from December 1, 2017 that the
- Shipping Guarantee - Packing Credit - Standby L/C For supporting the import and export businesses, the bank signed a memorandum of understanding under the Relending credit program with the Export-Import Bank
- Shipping Guarantee - Packing Credit - Standby L/C For supporting the import and export businesses, the bank signed a memorandum of understanding under the Relending credit program with the Export-Import Bank
transaction Transaction Amount (Thousand Baht) Justification and Necessity 2018 2Q2019 NFS Q2’62 None 3 Guarantee/ Collateral of credit line Collateral for loans from financial institution : the Company has
Receipt - Shipping Guarantee - Packing Credit - Standby L/C In order to support the trade finance businesses, the bank has signed a memorandum of understanding under the relending credit program with the
across the world with the national standards with the various and comprehensive products and services including: - Letter of Credit - Bills for Collection - Trust Receipt - Shipping Guarantee - Packing
Receipt - Shipping Guarantee - Packing Credit - Standby L/C In order to support the trade finance businesses, the bank has signed a memorandum of understanding under the relending credit program with the
่ ใหเ้ปิดเผยขอ้มลูโดยสังเขปโดยรายละเอยีดใหเ้ปิดเผยใน เอกสารแนบ สว่นที ่1 การประกอบธรุกจิ ขอ้ 1.5 การออกหลักทรัพยอ์ืน่ กรณีบรษัิทมกีารออกหุน้กูต้อ้งเปิดเผยขอ้มลูผูค้ ้า ประกัน เชน่ Bank Guarantee ดว้ยหรอื
บริษทัจดทะเบียนโดยสถาบนัไทยพฒัน์ สิงหาคม โรงพยาบาลเวิลด์เมดิคอล ได้รับรางวลัดีเด่นด้านความร่วมมือระดับองค์กร (Cooperation Award) จากงาน Bangkok Life Assurance SMART Hospital Awards 2019 จดัโดยบริษทั กรุงเทพ