realize the practice in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations of the SEC and the SET. In order to prevent this type of misconduct in the future by considering the connected transaction must be
connected transaction. Therefore, the Audit Committee emphasized that the Company should realize the practice in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations of the SEC and the SET. In order to prevent
for the health of customers. Regarding the business operation and progress tracking of the Company, the Company shall conduct in accordance with the laws, regulation and relevant notification of the
of the Company, the Company shall conduct in accordance with the laws, regulation and relevant notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the SET. Please be informed accordingly. Your
Allowance for impairment of NPAs divided by properties for sale (after revaluation) 16 Calculate by annualizing the relevant items in the statement of comprehensive income and statement of cash flows for the
for impairment of NPAs divided by properties for sale (after revaluation) 16 Calculate by annualizing the relevant items in the statement of comprehensive income and statement of cash flows for the
Value Added Tax, Specific Business Tax and Relevant Tax (if any)) ** คาธรรมเนียมผูดูแลผลประโยชน (Trustee Fee) เปนจํานวนเงิน 8.03 บาท (หนวย : พันบาท) หรือคิดเปนรอยละ 0.008 ของมูลคาทรัพยสินสุทธิ ค
) being currently subject to a criminal complaint or legal prosecution for an offense concerning property by a relevant agency, only for a cause arising from a deceitful, fraudulent or dishonest act that
(Relevant Ethical Requirements) 4. การตอบรับงานและการคงไวซึ่งความสัมพันธกับลูกคาและงานที่มีลักษณะเฉพาะ (Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Specific Engagements) 5. ทรัพยากร (Resources
101 million due to the obligation is highly probable. However, the Company is considering to file a notice of appeal to the Court of Appeal for Specialized Cases regarding the relevant taxable expense