who are qualified as bond holders’ representative under the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board Re: Qualifications of Bondholders’ Representatives and Authorized Actions of Bondholders
Amount : 2,000,000 shares Address : 115/1-3 Sukhothai Grand Bldg. 4 Fl. Sukhothai Rd. Dusit, Dusit, Bangkok 10300 Board of Director and Authorized Director : Mr. Suwicha Phanichphol สารสนเทศรายการได้มาซึง่
March 20, 2018 Subject The amendment of Information Memorandum on Acquisition of Assets To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand According, Bangkok Dec-con Public Company Limited has reported the Information Memorandum on Acquisition of Assets of Production and distribution of water supply project (Rev1) on March 2, 2018 The Company would like to inform the amendment of such information as follows: Old The entering into the transaction constitutes an asset acquisition transaction in accorda...
or the Executive Committee is authorized to determine the terms, conditions and other details as necessary for and in connection with the issuance and allocation of newly issued shares as it deems
. (Enclosure 3) Also that the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee or any person designated by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee is authorized to determine the terms, conditions and other
. (Enclosure 3) Also that the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee or any person designated by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee is authorized to determine the terms, conditions and other
Director and Authorized Director : Mr. Suwicha Phanichphol List of shareholder (as of 24 July 2017) : Name Amount (share) Percentage 1. Mr. Suwicha Phanichphol 1,922,000 96.1000% 2. Mrs. Amphitha Jitsena
ท่ัวไป (1) เปนหนวยลงทุนที่สํานักงานอนุมัติใหจัดตั้งและจดัการ (authorized fund) หรือ (2) เปนหนวยลงทุนของกองทนุตางประเทศที่ไดรับอนุมัตใิหจดัตั้ง (authorized fund) หรือใหความเห็นชอบในการเสนอขาย
. Approval for the determination of authorized directors who sign to bind the Company, which shall be effective from 1 June 2020 onwards. Details of which are as follows: Current “Mr. Marut Arthakaivalvatee
case the applicant is in the process of applying for an approval to become the REIT manager, such person will be authorized to offer for sale of units on condition that the applicant has obtained an