order, the two offenders have become persons possessing untrustworthy characteristics and subsequently banned from the position of director or executive at any securities issuing company or listed company
filed the criminal complaint against {A} with the DSI for further legal proceeding. Consequently, he is deemed as having untrustworthy characteristics of director of a publicly held company, and thus
and Exchange Commission No. Kor Jor. 3/2560 Re: Determination of Untrustworthy Characteristics of Company Directors and Executives dated 23 January 2017.
Thailand branch shall be taken into consideration under Paragraph 1. (4) the controlling persons of the applicant shall not have any of the untrustworthy characteristics under the Notification of the
untrustworthy characteristics of directors or executives under Clause 5(2), in conjunction with 6(3) of the SEC Notification No. Kor Jor. 3/2560 Re: Determination of Untrustworthy Characteristics of Company
complaint or legal prosecution for an offense concerning property by a relevant agency, only for a cause arising from a deceitful, fraudulent or dishonest act, or having an application for an offer for sale
or dishonest act, or having an application for an offer for sale https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/LawandRegulations/PerpetualBondorSubordinatedBond.aspx English (United States
Phoncharoensuk jointly failed to perform their duties with dishonest intent, committed dishonest converting RICH's property to himself or a third party, and obtained unlawful http://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc
with a client?s assets and dishonest acts. Also, a one-year probation was imposed on Surawadee Sriprasert on account of using a client?s account to avoid over credit line limit of another client, and the
specified by the client. He then made payment to such client for his own securities trading.The aforesaid acts of {A} and {B} were deemed dishonest and unprofessional in violation of Clauses 20(1) and 20(2