account but failed to prepare and disclose report on change in her securities to the SEC Office within the period specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. Mr. Sasavat later
right to purchase, or to convert those securities into, shares of such business; (2) “Business” means a company whose shares are listed on the Stock Exchange; (3) “SEC Notification No. KorChor. 53/2545
decision. ?The Basel III tier 2 instruments? complexity and associated risks are different from those of plain debt securities because the holders will be forced to convert them into common shares if the
have risen abruptly, especially the rapid evolution of digital technology, intensified effects of climate change, and regulatory changes in the financial business. To cope with these issues, most
Company Limited and its subsidiaries had the operation results for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2019 with the following details: unit: THB million 2019 2018 Change (THB million) Change
: Million Baht) 3 Months Change % Change 2 / 5 Operating results by business for the three-month period ended 30 June 2020 • Increase in gross profit was mainly derived from the following reasons: 1
September 2021) under the budget approved by the general meeting of shareholders 07/10/2021 08:01 Progress on the Purchase of Newly Issued Shares and the change of the name of High Shopping Company Limited 21
-month period ended 30 June Change % Change 2 / 5 Operating results by business for the three-month period ended 30 June 2019 • Decrease in gross profit was mainly derived from the following reasons: 1
Microsoft Word - 1_Company Account 3-%0@ˆ5"ˇ_@˙%5H"ˇA˙%_20211124 - kdraft V2.docx 1 Application for Registration / Change of Information in Company Account Date
convertible debenture than could be convert to the Company’s ordinary shares (“Convertible Debenture”) of a total value of THB 265,000,000 to SUTGH (Details of Convertible Debenture are prescribed in the