determination of shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as it deemed
’s Agenda, and/or change of the determination of shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather
or documents given by a client, the intermediary shall review and update such information without delay by taking the following actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal
actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal course of operation; (b) seek information on the source of income used for executing the client’s transactions; (c) arrange for the
actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal course of operation; (b) seek information on the source of income used for executing the client’s transactions; (c) arrange for the
ภาพื่ทุ่เกิดข้ึนอย์่างฉับพื่ลัน เป็นครังคราว (acute physical risk) • ราย์ได้ลดลงจากความส่ามารถในการผู้ลิต้ ทุ่ลดลง เน่องจากปัญห้าในการข้นส่่ง ห้ร่อ การส่ะดุดข้องห้่วงโซึ่่อุปทุาน • ราย์ได้ลดลงและต้้นทุนุ
Principles of Corporate Governance - G20 version G 20/O E C D P rin c ip le s o f C o rp o ra te G o ve rn a n c e G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance ENG_Corporate Governance Principles_Cover.indd 3 27-Aug-2015 6:43:10 PM G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance OECD Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors September 2015 G20/OECD PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE © OECD 2015 3 Note by the OECD Secretary-General G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meet...
shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as it deemed appropriate under the
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as it deemed appropriate under the applicable laws. Please be informed accordingly
the determination of shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as