Financial Advisory report in advance not less than 14 days before the shareholder’s meeting date. For the purpose that, the company will present to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholder No. 1/2018
/2563 to approve the arrangement of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) with an agenda for private placement of 973,241,553 shares of EARTH at a price of 0.0001 Baht per share for the
/2563 to approve the arrangement of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) with an agenda for private placement of 973,241,553 shares of EARTH at a price of 0.0001 Baht per share for the
approve the arrangement of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) with an agenda for private placement of 973,241,553 shares of EARTH at a price of 0.0001 Baht per share for the total amount of
profit attributable to the parent 360.3 322.7 (37.6) (10.4%) Add(less): Loss/gain from extraordinary items* (54.7) 3.9 (58.6) Net profit from ordinary activities attributable to the parent 305.6 326.6 21.0
Bangkok, July 13, 2009 ? The SEC urges shareholders of Scandinavian Leasing Plc. (SCAN) to attend the company?s extraordinary shareholders meeting for consideration of Deva Development Plc. (DEVA
private placement 28/01/2022 17:18 Set the new Record date and the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2022 date 28/01/2022 17:18 Set the new Record date and the Extraordinary General
04/07/2022 08:54 Disposal of Investment in Subsidiaries and Related Business and Schedule of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1 /2022 01/03/2021 20:07 Notification of the Board of
fill in the vacancies and meet the quorum requirement. In so doing at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting No. 2/2560 on 14 February 2017 and the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting on 2 May 2017
COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 6 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 06/01/2021 12:31 Notification of the change of Meeting venue and change a method of convening the Extraordinary General