Following the tips from various sources to SEC, it has been found that DB Hold had been soliciting people via social media to invest in newly issued shares alongside with products that may be liable to be digital tokens. With a claim to be around 500 million baht worth, these funds were said to be used for investing in several projects such as a digital platform for exchanging goods and services that may involve with electronic units named "DB coin" or "DB token", blockchain systems and ot...
SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said that there had been several fraud cases regarding investment in digital assets which might result in a huge loss for investors. This led to the
Following the tips from various sources to SEC, several investment solicitations have been found via online channels such as websites, Facebook and YouTube regarding the products that may be liable
Bangkok, August 17, 2012 - The SEC imposed administrative sanction on seven investment consultants for their failure to record clients' securities or derivatives trading orders by suspending one
Bangkok, March 28, 2012 ? The Bank of Thailand (BOT) has approved the proposal to allow retail investors to invest in derivatives traded on foreign derivatives exchange without limiting investment
prevent holding company from having characteristics similar to investment company, the SEC specifies that the size of core business and other businesses that holding company holds shares, when compared with
Bangkok, January 24, 2014 ? The SEC imposed a one-month suspension on Wiroj Thongburana, a securities investment consultant of UOB Kay Hian Securities (Thailand) Plc., for failing to inform
Bangkok, January 24, 2014 - The SEC imposed a one-month suspension on {A}, a securities investment consultant of UOB Kay Hian Securities (Thailand) Plc., for failing to inform sufficient information
Bangkok, November 18, 2013 ? SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak invites investors and interested persons to sharpen their investment knowledge and skills to make their dreams come true by
Bangkok, November 18, 2013 ? SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak invites investors and interested persons to sharpen their investment knowledge and skills to make their dreams come true by