organization of foreign government, international organization and juristic person under law of foreign jurisdiction; (4) juristic person established by specific law; and (5) issuing entity established in any
needs a replacement to reduce the breakdown issue. KYE hires MKY to design and install the new air conditioner(MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC) which using the technology that enhances the efficiency in the test room
% on the date of the transaction Criteria Use in Determining Value of the Transaction Using replacement cost value appraised by Simon Lim & Partners Company Limited, a Real Estate and Machinery Valuers
replacement cost value appraised by Simon Lim & Partners Company Limited, a Real Estate and Machinery Valuers. 6. Transaction Size According to Notification of Connected Transaction The Transaction is
Replacement markets. Overall, total sales this year was in line with the motorcycle and motorcycle tires markets that expanded in ASEAN area. Industrial Elastomer Parts Business: The sales increased from
or 21.5% from 31 December 2018. The company and its subsidiaries have invested in a Research & Development center and a new factory in India. It also invested in machinery and equipment for replacement
expected to resume operation from new replacement machines within the fiscal year 2019. Liabilities Total liabilities as at the end of September 2018 was Baht 3,690 million, comprised of interest bearing
3, 2014 which has been promulgated in replacement of the said two notifications.
/ Swaps กรณี replacement cost เปนบวก ใหนับเปนเงินลงทุน กรณี replacement cost เปนลบ ใหหัก ออกจากเงินลงทุน2 2.1.2 Non FX-linked รายละเอียดเหมือนขอ 2.1.1 รายละเอียดเหมือนขอ 2.1.1 2.2 อนุพันธเพื่อการ
ิ กรณี replacement cost เป็นบวก ให้นับเป็นเงินลงทุน กรณี replacement cost เป็นลบ ให้หกัออกจากเงินลงทุน2 คิดสถานะเทียบเท่าเงินลงทุน (ซึง่อาจเป็น long หรือ short แล้วแต่กรณี) ตามหลัก building-block approach