Activity report 2017En CAPITAL MARKET FOR ALL INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2017 INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2017 Executive Summary Quality Assurance Review Panel Activities for Enhancing Financial Reporting Quality Framework and Focuses in 2018 Root Cause Analysis Summary of Audit Inspection Results A. Firm Level B. Engagement Level Essential Statistics 49 4412 46 0402 07 Contents Executive Summary The capital market is a fundamental component in driving Thai...
เล ็กทรอนิกส์ (“สพธอ.”) ( ข้อเสนอแนะมาตรฐานฯ (ETDA Recommendation/ ขมธอ. 18-2566 ขมธอ. 19-2566 และ ขมธอ. 20-2566 เวอร์ชัน 3.0) โทร. : 0-2033-9999 แฟกซ์ : 0-2033-9660
advice, to enhance confidence and protect interest of investors. The recommendation is in line with the United States’s Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 (Section 201) .
SEC relies on the Check and Balance System whereby the Audit Committee and the Internal Audit Department are responsible for reviewing and giving recommendation to the SEC Board on the matters related
based thereon. This report is for information purposes only and it does not constitutes, or is intended to constitute a policy recommendation or stance by SEC Thailand. Contents o Background o Review of
advice, to enhance confidence and protect interest of investors. The recommendation is in line with the United States’s Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 (Section 201) .
SEC relies on the Check and Balance System whereby the Audit Committee and the Internal Audit Department are responsible for reviewing and giving recommendation to the SEC Board on the matters related
Recommendation CDP Questionnaire a) Describe the organization’s processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks. b) Describe the organization’s processes for managing climate related risks. R ec o m
with TCFD recommendation ขอบคุณค่ะ ส านักงานคณะกรรมการก ากบัหลกัทรัพยแ์ละตลาดหลกัทรัพย์ SEC help center 1207
㐎䀎┎䜎Ďᜎ⌎ⴎᤎ㐎Ď⨎䰎⠀ᰀ⨠Ḏⴎ⸎ᴀ⤠숀 ( ข้อเสนอแนะมาตรฐานฯ (ETDA Recommendation/ ขมธอ. 18-2566 ขมธอ. 19-2566 และขมธอ. 20-2566 เวอร์ชัน 3.0) 3ꃂ㰀⼀猀甀瀀㸀䤀䄀䰀 䀀ᐎ㐎ℎ䤀䄀䰀 ㈀⸀⬀ ᬀ⌎ㄎᨎ䀎ᬎ䜎ᤎ䤀䄀䰀