inbound tourism, especially from Chinese tourists as more direct flights from China to Thailand become available and partially helped by the visa fee discount and waiver incentives during the year. 3
tourism sector characterized by an increase in foreign inbound tourists, especially from China due to more available direct flights to Thailand and Europe due to the Easter holidays at the end of the period
Minus), “Stable” outlook and affirms the rating of LH BANK’s Basel III Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB” (Triple B Straight) by TRIS Rating. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited Management
rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB” (Triple B Straight) by TRIS Rating. Branch Network As of the end of the third quarter of 2019, Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited has
Minus), “Stable” outlook and affirms the rating of LH BANK’s Basel III Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB” (Triple B Straight) by TRIS Rating. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited Management
Baht 1,604 million at the end of 3Q20 which the Bank had gradually released on a straight line method since 1Q20. 4 Including ECL for loans and loan commitments and financial guarantees 14 With the
rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB” (Triple B Straight) by TRIS Rating. Branch Network As of the end of the third quarter of 2019, Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited has
คุงเหลอืเทา่กันจาก Corporate Bond Yield Curve ใหผู้อ้อก ระบอัุตราผลตอบแทนของตราสารหน้ีทีม่อีายคุงเหลอืใกลเ้คยีง โดยใชว้ธิ ีlinear interpolation พรอ้มระบหุมายเหตอุธบิายขา้งทา้ยวา่ “*ตราสารทีม่อีายุ
investment particular in machinery and equipment, industrial production, manufacturing capacity, and the value of merchandise exports were also better. Rising government expenditure is another significant
confidential business secret is deemed performing duties dishonestly and betraying investors? confidentiality. Investor contacts are key capital market personnel who have direct and close contact with investors