months, the SEC will release more information to financial institutions on the operational details of the framework.
in part of disclosure of financial condition and operational result, corporate governance and business takeover will be relaxed. Such foreign company will, however, be required to comply with foreign
to Baht 39.21 million, which increased by Baht 12.66 million, or 48%,. The main cause was more commission income in of 2018, which increased by Baht 13.40 million. 1.4 Operational profit and net profit
commission income in of 2020, which decreased by Baht 11.60 million and other income increased Baht 2.82 million from the last year. 1.4 Operational profit and net profit (Unit: Million Baht) For the year
3.47 million. 1.4 Operational profit and net profit (Unit: Million Baht) For the year Movement 2021 2020 Increase (decrease) % Profit (loss) before tax expenses 85.98 159.79 (73.81) 12.57 Loss Tax
%, from the last year. 1.3 Others income - Total other income amounted to Baht 39.98 million, which increased by Baht 0.77 million, or 1.97%. 1.4 Operational profit and net profit (Unit: Million Baht) For
commission income in of Q1’20, which decreased by Baht 1.62 million. 1.4 Operational profit and net profit (Unit: Million Baht) For the ended March Movement 2020 2019 Increase (decrease) % Profit (loss) before
million, which increased by Baht 12.66 million, or 48%,. The main cause was more commission income in of 2018, which increased by Baht 13.40 million. 1.4 Operational profit and net profit (Unit: Million
%,. The main cause was more commission income in of Q1’62, which increased by Baht 1.74 million and Gain from change in fair value of dairy cow by Baht 1.60 million. 1.4 Operational profit and net profit
การก าหนดให้ด ารงเงินกองทุนเพื่อรองรับ operational risk ของ บลจ. ผู้แสดงควำมคิดเห็นไม่เห็นด้วยกับกำรก ำหนดขนำดของเงินกองทุนเพื่อรองรับ operational risk ที่ 0.01%*NAV เน่ืองจำกไม่เป็นกำรสร้ำง incentive