executives and executives from relevant organizations to discuss ways to expand access for public sector to the sources of funds and financial vehicles in the capital market with the aim of reducing the burden
break the rules or fail to perform such duty, they will be held legally liable.Moreover, information concerning unitholding or change of unitholding by directors and executives of trust managers and
. Thakorn Taweesri and (5) Mr. Danuj Bunnag. As a result, they were deemed to have untrustworthy characteristics to become company directors or executives and were banned from serving as directors or
the SEC to order directors and executives who are responsible for the company’s disclosure to provide a clarification themselves if the company fails to disclose such material events; moreover, if a
Search The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand About Us Our Roles Our Structure SEC Board Capital Market Supervisory Board SEC Executives Organization Chart
Search The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand About Us Our Roles Our Structure SEC Board Capital Market Supervisory Board SEC Executives Organization Chart
Search The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand About Us Our Roles Our Structure SEC Board Capital Market Supervisory Board SEC Executives Organization Chart
From February 1, 2010 onwards, securities companies no longer need to hire full-time executives and may appoint executives of other securities companies as their own (cross-directorship), on the
preparing financial statements. The study also reveals the importance of the role of the executives, directors, and audit committee members in reducing financial statements adjustments, where improvement
investment unit selling.The SEC led Thai private sector on a business trip to Japan in February to meet Japanese executives from both public and private sectors, aiming to strengthen collaboration with FSA