the documents in order to acquire sufficient and reliable evidences concerning NIPPON?s transactions on securities investment, even though the company had continuously invested in large amount of
estate investment trust), can invest in types of infrastructure projects providing benefits or services to the public at large. It can invest in onshore and offshore infrastructure projects either by
capital market and the digital economy at large. “We would like to sincerely thank all TDO members for joining this transformative occasion to strengthen our cooperation and proactive teamwork to further
กดั ชื่อ ตาํแหน่ง ลายมือชื่อ นางสาววภิารตัน์ เสรจ็กจิ Deputy Managing Director, Head of Product Management -รา่ง-
(Section 98(7)) | - |- Accept purchasing or selling orders outside head office or branch | - |- Outsourcing Services | - |- Joint Management Agreement / Other Agreements |- Auditors | - |- Approval (Section
)) | - |- Selling Agents (Section 100) |- Internal operation of Securities Companies | - |- Proprietary Investment (Section 98(7)) | - |- Accept purchasing or selling orders outside head office or branch
outside head office or branch | - |- Outsourcing Services | - |- Joint Management Agreement / Other Agreements |- Auditors | - |- Approval (Section 106) |- Accounting and Financial Statements (Section 105
Exchange 4. Mr. Aldo M Romani, Head of Sustainability Funding, European Investment Bank 5. Mr. Thomas Weinberg, COO, Finance Agency Federal Republic of Germany6. Mr. Martin
well as the Democratic Form of Government with His Majesty the King as Head of State, (2) Integrity, good conscious and accountability to duties, (3) Decisiveness and proper and fair conduct, (4
Siranart, Head of Exploration of UNDP Thailand