Thailand, which entered into force on 16 June 2021. These amendments help to enhance flexibility for DR issuers and to increase investment options for investors. This initial collaboration between SGX and
, The Humanica Group of Companies ( “ HUMAN” or the “ Company” ) delivered a revenue of 613.86mb (2018: 523.23mb) , an increase of 90.63mb or 17.3% . Revenue from HR Solutions contributed 98.06mb or 24.7
public area and security. The improvement of after sale services created a good image for MK housing project. In the long run, this would increase sale of real business continuously. However, the
% Total revenue increased by 70.3% year-on-year. Sales and service income increased by 72.0%, with 51.1% increase in automotive parts businesses and 162.8% increase in dealership businesses respectively
marketing activation cost of PGA tour event and brand building initiatives of DEAN & DELUCA and also selling and marketing activities to boost up sales and transfer of MahaNakhon, MahaSamutr and Nimit
reason for the increase is due from right to use assets according to TFRS16 from office lease agreement. Cash surplus increased by 55.47mb or 34.8% due to cash flow generated from operations and good
. Private consumption and investment tend to increase despite some of them slowdown from the outbreak of Omicron-type COVID-19. Public expenditures expanded comparing to the Q1-2021 due to capital
revenue In the period of third quarter of 2016 and 2017 amount of 884.7 million baht and 1,959.9 million baht respectively. An increase of 1,075.2 million baht, or 121.53%, compared on the same period from
(Unreviewed) as follows: Performance Overview In the second quarter of 2018, the net profit was 391.83 million Baht, an increase of 133.83 million Baht or 51.87% from the same period of the prior year. The
(Reviewed) as follows: Performance Overview In the second quarter of 2018, the net profit was 391.83 million Baht, an increase of 133.83 million Baht or 51.87% from the same period of the prior year. The