rate, limit loan types and payment period to appropriate with each customer business types and provided the loans considering process quickly. The bank has divided the loan services into 3 business
traditionally softer compared to Quarter 1 and 4 due to low tourist arrivals in Phuket during this time of the year. Total revenue for the three-month period increased by Baht 118 million as compared to the same
after tax amounting 26.31 million Baht decrease from the same period of the last year which have the net profit amounting 139.23 million or decrease 81% 2. Financial status Significant financial ratios in
2019 , the company and subsidiaries company have net profit after tax amounting 36.20 million Baht increase 9.90 million Baht from the same period of the last year which have the net profit amounting
period of the last year which have the net profit amounting 27.34 million or increase 63% 2. Financial status Significant financial ratios in the 1st quarter ended 31 March Description Unit 2018 2017 2016
. From the above reason, the operation in 3rd. quarter of 2018, the company and subsidiaries company have net profit after tax amounting 53.42 million Baht increase from the same period of the last year
) -54% 6. Net profit for this period 9.94 29.46 44.63 (19.51) -66% 7. (Loss) attributed to Non- Controlling Interest 1.43 0.08 -0- 1.35 1688% 8. Net Profit for Owners of the Company 11.38 29.54 44.63
LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 11 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 10/11/2022 19:26 Connected transaction 01/03/2022 08:49 Connected Transaction (Land Leasing Agreement) 01/10/2021 17:22 A
and found that {A} had been authorized by his clients to make securities trading decisions on the client's behalf. He submitted trading orders with high trading volume for a certain period of time. {A
Its Office Premises and Office Hours https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/4151pe.doc Microsoft Word - sornor5_2550_e_finalสายงาน.doc of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. SorNor. 5/2550 Re