(1H 2019: 267.79mb), an increase of 78.56mb or 29.3%. Revenue from HR Solutions contributed 87.66mb or 41.0% to our growth year-on-year, largely because we T.662 636 6999 F.662 646 4200
, improving from 76.1% in 2017 to 78.4% in 2018. Both HR services and Financial services showed positive increase in proportion of recurring income as we continue to expand our customer base for recurring
in Q4 2016 an increase of 15%; 2017 full year revenue of 920mTHB compared to 804mTHB compared to 2016 an increase of 14% EBITDA: 37mTHB in Q4 2017 compared to 29mTHB in Q4 2016 an increase of 25
subsidiaries terminated rental agreement of Khum Khan Toke and operate by itself. 4. Financial cost increase 9.80 million baht or 47.50% due to the Company expand business by using loan in form of bill of
, the growth in APRU continued to be affected by the ongoing intensity of market competition. For 5G service, our 5G network continued to expand with >23k BTS and reached 81% of the population as we aim
. Food business is expected to continually grow, especially from Epicure Catering Co., Ltd. as well as from Dusit Real Foods Co., Ltd. Epicure Catering plans to expand its business overseas. Dusit Real
. Food business is expected to continually grow, especially from Epicure Catering Co., Ltd. as well as from Dusit Real Foods Co., Ltd. Epicure Catering plans to expand its business overseas. Dusit Real
earnings continue to grow which is the highest quarterly profit statistics. The net profit report 226.9 million Baht in Q2/2020. The company had the same amount of collection in the first half of the year
1 1Q18 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. Executive Summary Expand into potential growth areas of enterprise and mobile money AIS has executed two strategic deals totaling Bt4.2bn of cash transactions
the underpricing of risks. The Thai economy in 2017 is expected to grow by 3-4 percent. The main growth drivers include export growth, in line with global economic recovery, that would propel production